Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Random Pictures...mostly for the grandparents.

I know these are old, but I know the grandparents have wanted to see how 30 month old Creighton squeezed himself into an 18 month old costume. You can see the pants end slightly below the knee. We couldn't win the battle though, he inisisted. Kiley was a pink pirate and Cort was a dinosaur. This neighborhood is great. Everyone paid in a bit and they set up some great haunted houses for the kids and several stops to pick up hot dogs and hot cocoa. I love how it's so family oriented here!!

Creighton helping daddy shovel all the snow. This is one of Creighton's favorite activities. In fact, he will do anything if it involves Chad in some way. Creighton is a worker though.

Bathtime for the boys. This used to often end with someone crying, but they enjoy the company now.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Baby # 4 is a..........

I went in for an ultrasound last week and was able to get a good litte peek at the baby. Everyone has been telling me that I won't be able to wait until the delivery to find out the gender, but I think I have finally convinced my husband that I can. I went to the ultrasound, turned my head when the tech got the gender, carried the sealed envelope home and gave it to Chad and I haven't asked about it since. Some days I think it's a girl and some days I think it's a boy. Both would be great and I wish I was having one of each. You can't have too many boys. They are so sweet and fun. Chad played sports his entire life and is really athletic. He would love to coach for the boys and would make an awesome coach. I think it would be a blast to have 3 boys. Kiley really wants a girl. She wants a "nice sister". She is very clear that she only wants a girl if she is going to be a nice girl. In my experience with girls (sisters) I think Kiley is unique in her niceness and would be much happier with another brother. She keeps telling us "well, you guys have rules and this is a nice house where everyone is nice, so if it's a girl, she will be nice too". I am not opposed to another girl. It would be fun to see what she looks like, dress her up, etc. When I think about what I'd rather raise though, a boy seems to be the easy alternative. We'll be so excited with whatever though. Chad does know the gender. We keep telling Kiley that the baby keeps it's legs crossed so the tech can't see what it is. I want for her to be surprised too. I'll post some belly pics and an ultrasound pic too.

Chad's been keeping very busy with a new VA Hospital in Illinoise. It's a good project for him to be in charge of because he is learning a ton about government and state standards and it's not just a design he can throw together without having to do a lot of research. I do miss seeing him though. I think the project deadline is the end of March, so I should have my husband back sometime in April. ;)

Colorado has had some crazy weather the past couple weeks too. Somedays it's in the 50's and even the 60's and a few days later it's in the single digits (which I haven't seen since I moved here!) It got to be 0 degrees one day and the news said it hadn't been that cold in 15 years!! In Nebraska, it's that cold a lot. I was fine with it, but schools shut down for two days because of the low temps.'s funny to me because I remember being in school in Nebraska and we had a digital board that said the temp. and it often was a negative number in the winter and we still all made it to school . I didn't mind the days off with Kiley though.

Our plans for the basement are taking way. We are going to start with an area to the left of our basement stairs and put in bathroom, storage room, and a nice workout room, equipped with surround sound, TV, mirrors and everything you need to get in a good sweat. Chad said to me the other day, and I quote him "I want to get buff". Ummm...okay. He was 215lbs when we met and has slimmed down to a svelt 190lbs. He is pretty muscular in all areas except the belly. I am positive there is a nice set of abs under the layer of fat protecting them. Once the baby is born and I have recovered, we have a plan in place to begin a pretty good workout routine and have even recruited some friends to join in.

The pregnancy is going really well. I did have a couple weeks where I wasn't feeling too well, was swollen, and had some headaches. My Dr. prescribed me Fiorecet for the headaches, but I am not sure how often I'll take it. I am not a person who takes a lot of medication, especially if it will make me drowsy. I am feeling a lot better now though and am in a good stage of pregnancy. I am getting lots of sleep, eating well...but a lot, and feeling pretty energetic most days. Here are some pregnancy stats:

Almost 25 weeks

Weight: ummm....I am in favor of scratching the entire weigh in process. I am not getting any smaller and the baby is healthy, so is it really necesary....they think so and I wasn't surprised to learn I gained 6lbs in a week. Ooops. I was really hungry for about 2 weeks, but that has tapered off. Anyways...up 18 lbs total.

Blood Pressure: This never really means much to me. I usually sit around 80/60, but can't really analyze what any change in the numbers mean. This week it was 118/60.

Baby is about 12 inches long and about 1 lb 3 oz. I can sure feel the kicks and all the movement.

The next 3 months will go by so fast. Chad is reading a book called "Your baby's firsts"...nothing like reading up on pregnancy, child rearing, and safety after baby #4! I guess you can't be prepared enough though.

Random pics to be posted in a few days!

Also, please excuse spelling or grammatical errors as I don't have time to run the check!!!