Monday, December 21, 2009

Pics of Kiley

In the spirit of saving money on taking the kids for professional pictures several times a year, I went to the fabric store and bought some black and white backgrounds to use at home. I have had some luck with Cort (see older post with pics) and I tried today with Kiley. We were in a hurry, so I was only able to get a few, but I think they turned out nicely. Target had no luck with "Crazy Creighty" and I have had no luck at home. He is so busy, he won't sit and smile for even a few seconds. Darn toddlers. Hopefully, I will be able to get some good ones of him, if not, I have some from a few months ago that turned out nice.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Holy eyelashes...

Creighton would make a stunning girl. He makes a very handsome boy as well, but he was blessed with eyelashes any woman would kill for. He is so darn cute.

Baby Cort Pics

I stole this idea from Mary, a friend of mine. I went to the store and bought white and black fabric and tried to take some pics at home. We are taking the kids in today to Target to get some holiday photos, but who knows if we can get our 20 month old to cooperate. It's hit and miss with him. I figured I would have better luck doing some at home. Creighton was sleeping and Kiley was at school, so I just did Cort. Here are a few:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Big problems at Big lots...

So, Big lots had wrapping paper on sale- $2.00 for 100 sq. ft. Moms you know that is a good deal, and Wii games on sale also. So, I went. I would have never gone, if the sale wasn't so good. In the entrance to the store, customers must form a line and go through one of those security devices that only allows one person to enter at a time, similar to what they do at subway stations or anyplace you have to purchase a ticket and enter one at a time. Now, Big Lots doesn't have great, expensive, lavish things and even if they did, why is this at the entrance to the store...what are they trying to prevent me from bringing in? So, I have Cort in his car seat and Creighton with me. I lift the car seat and I go through, showing Creighton how to do it. He doesn't get it though and he is now stuck on the other side of this thing. Cort loses his pacifier and begins crying...loudly. I spend about a minute trying to talk Creighton thru this contraption. Finally, we both get frustrated and he bends down to crawl under it and I bend down to help which point the fun starts. Keep in mind,that there is a security guard and many, many people standing around that could have offered some assistance during this whole thing. So, I have my keys in my sweatshirt pocket. When I bend down, the car seat hits my keys and sets off my car alarm. At the same time, my purse spills out including the babies bottle and an open bag of M&M's. The M&M's go everywhere. Keep in mind, we are still in the entrance and the floor is all muddy from people coming in. Cort is still crying. I stand up to attempt to turn off the car alarm, while still holding Corts car seat. Creighton is now on his knees eating the dirty M&M's on the other side of this darn device. Since my hands are full with a crying baby and I am using the other one to point my keychain at the window and try to get the alarm shut off, I try to kick the M&M's out of his reach, but that does not work so well. He just starts to crawl away from where I am to get the M&M's. I can't go out of this thing because it only goes one way to let people in. After this whole thing continues for what seems like forever, I finally offer Creighton some juice that was on the shelf right by me. He crawls over, getting his knees all dirty, I reach down, grab Creightons leg, and drag him under this stupid device that serves no purpose other than causing problems for mothers. Of course, he is crying because I have taken him away from where all the M&M's are. My car alarm is still going off but I do not even consider going outside of the store to shut it off and having to re-enter through this thing again.I am sure people now think I am crazy. I admit I did think some very harsh things about Big Lots as this whole thing unplayed. Why did noone help? I would have helped any of them. I am going to call the store and just find out why that thing is there...does it matter if we all enter individually, one at a time, in a straight line. Really, what purpose can this possibly serve...I cant think of even 1 good reason. If I see a store video from their surveillance camera on Americas funniest videos one day, I am claiming the rights to that.

Monday, November 23, 2009

"Crazy Creighty"

I have a new nickname for my 20 month old son, Creighton-"Crazy Creighty". He is hilarious. He has OCD when it comes to shoes and hats. He sets them on our steps and when he comes down in the morning he puts his hat and his shoes on...even before a diaper change. He takes them off at bedtime and places them in the exact spot on the steps. He is also very concerned about making sure that Chad is always wearing shoes and a hat. I wonder why he has this sort of expectation. Today I asked Creighton if he would go get the dog some food while I changed Cort. I didn't notice until we were leaving the house that, in the dogs bowl, was a 1/2 eaten granola bar, Kix cereal, and some potato chips. I just laughed.

Kiley....she is growing up fast.

Kiley turned 8 on Nov. 12. I can't believe how old she is getting. She has had this sweater for a couple of years now, but it just now fits...even though it is only a size 5. She loves to have her picture taken, which is fine with me. I have a large collection of pictures of her since she was just a baby. It seems like each year she gets more beautiful.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Of these two bedrooms, which one do you like the best. I am torn. Keep in mind, all the doors in our bedroom are white, six panel doors and we have a white victorian style fireplace.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I tried to get all three kids in a picture, but one was not cooperating.

I tried to take a nice photo of all three kids. Creighton was not up for it. Eventually, I will get one. O'well.

My little sleeper

I found Creighton sleeping like this one evening. I had put him to bed around 7pm and went to check on him before I went to bed. I thought he was still awake at first, but didn't see any movement for a few minutes. I thought this was so funny. I took the book from him and he didn't move at all. The past couple of weeks, Creighton has been going poop during his afternoon nap. This of course wakes him up and he must have an itchy bottom. He reaches down his pants to scratch his bottom and poo gets on him, his clothes, his bed, etc. My first attempt to remedy the problem was to set up our baby video monitor in his room. I set it up so that it looks directly into his crib and I have the video monitor above our TV in our family room. This makes for pretty good entertainment for the family. I have caught him both times, and spared myself a huge mess. Also, I realized something else. I used to think Creighton was such a good sleeper, going to bed and laying down for naps so well. Turns out, sometimes he doesn't even take a nap. He will lay in his crib and read books and play for 1, even 2 hours without making a peep.

Creighton-such a serious worker

Lately, Creighton has been helping Chad do housework, especially lawn care. He loves it, but is very serious about the job he is doing.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Baby Cort!!

Well, our little guy arrived.....completely by surprise and 3 weeks early. I had convinced myself through the entire pregnancy that I would not go into labor on my own, given my track record of going over my due date and having to be induced with both of my other kids. Apparently, I had also convinced my husband because he did not believe I was in labor until he received verification from my Dr. Below is a timeline of that days events.

10/09/2009 (the day before Cort was born)
I wasn't feeling well all day. Not sick though. I didn't have a sore throat, cough, stuffy nose, or anything like that. I just felt bad and was really, really hot. I went in for a routine Dr. apt and my blood pressure was significantly higher. It usually was 120/80 and was 150/100 that day. My Dr. checked me and I was 80% effaced and 3cm dilated. She had me do a non stress test to make sure our baby was doing well. I went home and was really sick the remainder of the day and well into the evening....well, until about 2am the next morning. Then......

10/10/2009 (the big day)
I finally fell asleep about 2am, once I was feeling better. At 4am, I was woke up by some pretty intense contractions that were mainly in my back. From about 30 weeks until this point I had been having contractions, but they were mostly in my abdomen. I laid in bed and tried to informally keep track of them until 6am. At 6am, I got up and told Chad I was going to pack a bag just in case. He did not believe I was in labor and throughout the day he kept asking me to help with housework, despite the fact I was having contractions about every 8 min. About 9am I called my Dr. to give her a heads up that I MIGHT be in labor. I refused to go in for false labor, so I was going to wait it out as long as possible. From 4am until about 1pm (9 long hours) my contractions remained anywhere from 6-8 min. apart.

1pm: I called my Dr. because I wasn't sure if I was in true labor or not and didn't want to drive through the first snow storm of the year if I wasn't. I just wanted to discuss some of the symptoms I was having.
1:30pm: Best Dr. in the world comes to my house...yes!, to my house, to check me. Turns out I am 4cm and completely effaced. She tells us to head to the hospital and she will meet us there within the hour.
1:45pm: The exam sent my labor into full swing. Immediately after, my contractions are very, very intense and coming 1-2 min. apart. We call our friend to come watch the kiddos. Of course, everyone at church is at a retreat, so I have to call our head pastor at home and explain that I am in labor and can't be at work the next day. He was very kind, of course.
1:45pm-2:30pm: Waiting for our friend to arrive and feeling like I might actually go into shock from the pain and die.
2:30: Finally on our way to the hospital. 45 min. after seeing my Dr. and 10 1/2 hours into labor. I have to ride in the backseat of the car on my hands and knees because I can not tolerate the pain of the contractions sitting down.
2:50pm: Arrive at the pain, and now I am also feeling car sick. Awesome. They wheel me off and skip registration because I probably could have delivered the baby in the lobby if we waited for all of that to take place.
3:15: Finally, in a room and in a bed. Getting hooked up to IV's as fast as they can. Checked and now at 7cm. only 90 min. after my home visit with my Dr.
3:45: EPIDURAL!!
4:15: 9cm, but feeling really great.
4:30: 10cm and everyone is prepping to deliver the baby.
4:43: begin a practice push, which was enough to nearly deliver the baby.
4:47: 2 pushes later and baby Cort is here.

Recap: Total time of labor: 12 1/2 hours. Time without an epidural: 11 1/2 hours...Go me!! 3 pushes and 4 min. to deliver him. It took us until they were pushing us out the door to come up with a name. We finally decided on Cortlind Sawyer (Cort). He weighed 6 lbs 11 oz and was 19 inches long. He is so perfect.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Creighton wearing his Daddy's shoes

Creighton loves shoes! He is constantly getting out a dozen pairs and spreading them out in the laundry room or moving them through the house. He puts on Chads shoes and tries to walk in them. It is very cute.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Really pregnant...

I made it to about 20 weeks without showing too much...then, this happened. These were taken at 28-30 weeks. Not huge, but way bigger than I was in the beginning. I went to the Dr. yesterday and was told that I will probably be induced anytime after 38 weeks. I had low amniotic fluid with Creighton and so I have to see a perinatologist this time around. I go to my OB every two weeks and the perinatologist every 2 weeks. Its a lot of driving to and from, but it's reassuring to keep an eye on the baby. Depending on the levels of the amniotic fluid, they may have to induce earlier. Hopefully, we can get to 38 weeks and then set a date to be induced. It will be nice to not go over my due date this time. It will be the first of three pregnancies that I haven't gone over my due date. I would like to go into labor on my own, but I have been induced with my other two, so I am not sure if I would know if I was in labor. We are looking forward to meeting the new little guy. Chad came home the other day and said "well, I have narrowed it down to three names that start with a C". I said "you mean narrowed it up from the one you had before"? We want to stick with C and K names. With Creighton, I made a list of about 30 names I liked and Chad narrowed it to 1-Creighton. With this baby, I did the same, and Chad narrowed it to 1-Cort Patrick. So, he didn't really narrow it down, but up-from 1 to 3. Anyways, now he won't tell me the names. He said we can discuss it in the delivery room...something to kill the if I won't be busy enough on my own! So, I don't know any of the names he likes. I told him that is not how normal people discuss a name for a child. Chad makes life interesting.