Friday, July 24, 2009
My little couch potato

Creighton loves to sit on the couch with his dad or me. He lounges on a pillow and kicks his feet up on our lap. He also loves to have snacks while hanging out on the sofa. I only allow him things that cannot stain if dropped (hot dogs, chips, crackers, etc) We have a pretty strict rule in our house and that is that all meals are eaten at the table, as a family, and only water and dry snacks outside of the kitchen. It has done wonders to keep our carpets clean. This little guy has so much personality though, he is so cute.
It had to happen sometime....

Well, my little boy is like every other little boy. He took his diaper off, set it on the floor, and peed. His dad and I kept saying "no no", and I think he was a little suprised himself. He just stood there looking at his dad. I grabbed the camera...because it still is a funny moment...then I got the resolve and cleaned it up. Since we are big into "taking responsibility for your own actions" in this house, we made him help clean up his mess (of course after I had already cleaned it up). Pants are now mandatory for this youngster.

Creighton LOVED his swing until he was about 10 months and outgrew it. I set the swing back up because the new baby will be here soon and Creighton hadn't bothered it until this day. I was in the kitchen and didn't hear him playing anymore. I went looking for him and found him in the living room, in the swing, rocking back and forth using his own weight. It was very cute and I didn't make him get out (even though he exceeds the weight limit now) until he was ready. I am curious how he will do when a new baby takes over the swing...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A night in the hospital
Well, I meant to update the blog over the weekend, but we were really busy working on the basement. So, I had it on my "to do" list for Monday, but Monday turned from a good morning to a bad day....and night. I was feeling fine until around 2pm when I became a little nauseous and threw up a couple times. I didn't think anything of it because I was feeling fine otherwise. So, again around 4pm I got sick to my stomach, but then felt fine. Chad came home around 6pm and that is when the night took a turn. I started to throw up at 6pm and did at least once every 5-10 minutes until 9pm. Of course, by this time I was feeling sick and weak. I called my Dr. and she said to go to the hospital if I didn't stop throwing up within an hour. Since I never go to the Dr., let alone the ER, I put it off for a couple hours. By 11pm, I was still throwing up every few minutes (nothing to throw up at this point) and I decided we should go to the hospital. We had to wake up Creighton and drive through terrible weather, three tornado warnings were issued as we drove. We finally got there and I was relieved to see my Dr. was there too. I guess after she got off the phone with me, she knew I would eventually end up there and went ahead and drove there just in case...what a good Dr. She admitted me right away and I was fortunate enough to be prioritized and was able to bypass the emergency room full of people waiting. I feel bad now, but didn't care then. So, I got IV fluids through the night and a steady dose of medicine to stop me from throwing up. The nurse kept saying to get some rest, but they kept coming in every 15-30 minutes....so, I didn't get to sleep until I got home the next day. I was discharged about 11am the next morning and was feeling a ton better. I was sent home with a prescription for Zofran, which keeps me from throwing up. We went to have it filled at Walgreens and it took about 30 min. While we waited, Chad managed to find $100.00 worth of stuff to buy...I am not even sure what all we came home with that day. Yesterday, I slept most of the day and I am feeling better today, but still not able to eat. Maybe I will try some toast tomorrow. Right now, it's just Gatorade. They tested me for everything and couldn't find any reason I should be so sick...who knows. Hopefully, Creighton and Chad won't get it though. Poor Chad, he spent his day washing sheets, rugs, emptying trash cans, washing clothes, scrubbing carpet....I pretty much threw up everywhere in the house and then left him to clean it up. I owe him. I have some new pics to post and will try to get that done when Creighton goes down for his third nap of the day.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Pregnancy 25 weeks.

So, here is my stomach at 25 weeks. Somedays its a little bigger, must be how much I have eaten or drank that day. I have noticed that I am putting on about 1lb a week now, which I guess is average. In no time, this stomach will be very large. The baby is only 1.5 lbs right now, so it has a lot of growing to do. We have an ultrasound on Friday and will get some new pics and a DVD of it. I think we are thinking of the name Cort Patrick Shaffer. We want to stick with C's and K's, but the only boy name Chad likes is Cort. I don't have many choices. I like it too, even though its not my favorite.
1st haircut!

Creighton got his first haircut at then end of June, when he was 15 months. He did well. I took him into my moms shop, so he was familiar. He sat in the chair great. The only trouble was that whenever he felt the comb touch his head, he looked in that direction. Of course, my mom didn't mind at all and the whole haircut only took about 5 minutes. When he was done, we went and got some icecream and I saved the little pieces of hair to put in his baby book.....which each of my kids have 12 of, as of now. His hair is getting a little blonder because of summer. I do hope it gets some of its brown undertones back...atleast he will look a little like me then.
Monday, July 6, 2009
I will seriously post some new pics and updates tonight or tomorrow. I haven't been able to keep up with this for a month now. We were so busy packing to move, then unpacking, then to and from Omaha twice. We are now back in town for a couple months and I plan to get tons done. I want to paint every room in the house....and it's not a small house. It will take some time, especially since I can only do it when Creighton in napping. That gives me about 2 hours a day. Kiley is in Omaha for a couple more weeks, so my little babysitter is gone. My stomach is getting bigger. We are about 25 weeks now and getting excited. We had ADT install a home security system and we are still trying to figure it all out. Perhaps, we should have saved the money and gone with the basic system. You would think that with 14 years of college between us, we would be able to figure it out. Nope, not just yet. So, look for some new pics soon.
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