Wednesday, November 2, 2011

One big, long, catch-up fall post!

Well, it's time to play catch-up. Fall has been a beautiful season and we have really enjoyed it. The weather has been great, minus one snow day. The colors are amazing. I light my cinnamon candles, open the windows and sip hot cocoa. Fall is my favorite month! Chad and I had our first date in a long time. We were invited to attend the Denver Dinner for an event that benefits abused and neglected kids. We dressed up and spent the evening enjoying cocktails, dinner, entertainment, and music with friends. I was surprised to see so many familiar faces when we arrived. It was a great time for a great cause.

These two pictures should be flipped. Cheyenne plays on the floor and plays so rough with this that it eventually collapses on her. You can see she is just as happy to chew on it as she is to play with it. The first time it happened, I was in the kitchen and heard Creighton yelling for me "mommy, Cheyenne is stuck!". I found him standing over her, lifting this off of her (it's maybe 2 lbs) but he was holding it up off her like he was lifting a car off of someone. He said "you have to get her, she is stuck", as he is lifting it off her and barely breathing. He cracks me up!

Cheyenne has decided she is too big for her beloved swing. She tries to scoot out of everything, so I suppose we should start strapping her in. Although, she seems to prefer a quilt on the floor, some toys, and space to roll around.

Not the best pic of all the kids, but it shows their costumes and that's all we need. Creighton was Frankenstein, Cheyenne was a fairy, Cort wore the infamous Woody costume, and Kiley was a devil. When someone asked Creighton what Cheyenne was, he said "she is a fly"....I suppose he isn't familiar with fairies and the only bug he really sees that has wings is a fly. :)

Kiley was on fall break all of last week. We spent the time at the park, playing outside, watching movies, going to the pumpkin patch, and catching up on house work. The weather was so beautiful, except for one snowy day, but of course, it was 70 degrees the next day and we were once again in short and tank tops. I am trying to get Kiley to watch some of my favorite movies-My Girl, The Addams family, Now and Then, so we spent one whole day watching movies.

On the hay rack ride. It's impossible to get a pic of them all looking at the camera. This came close.

Kiley and Creighton in the hay maze at the Pumpkin patch.

This picture of Kiley and the boys cracks me up. Kiley is 10 and the boys are 3 and 2, but more than 1/2 her size. They aren't big boys either, she is just very petite. They still listen to her and she somehow manages to carry them around, despite there only being about a 10-15 lb difference in their weights. She is a really, really good big sister and she'll be a great babysitter in a couple of years.

Finally, Cort is big enough to go on our playground by himself. We do plan to make some changes to it though. The ladder he is crawling up is going to turn into a rock climbing wall. It's more fun and safer. The fort will be closed in more to make it more like a tree house and we may take the three swings down and move them to another area of the structure and put a bridge across the center. We'll see, but for now they have a blast on it.

I am not sure why Cheyenne is giving me this crab-tastic face. I think it may be that she HATES the hat and I always put it on her.

One of the houses a couple blocks from us goes all out for Halloween. I couldn't get a picture of the whole thing because it's too wide. This was the exit to the haunted house and me and the kids are in front of the entrance. We took a walk down there with our kids and a few of Kiley's friends one evening. It's definitely a fun thing for the kids to do on Halloween night. We didn't take the little ones on Halloween night because it's much scarier with smoke, fire, sound, etc. The girls did go down and go through it though.

Baby Cort feeding Cheyenne fire cheetos. Don't worry, I took a quick picture and then put them back in the bag before she could grab them.

Denver got some snow on Tuesday evening. A lot of snow. One of our tree limbs fell off and one was resting on the deck awning. In true Colorado fashion, this should all be melted by tomorrow.

This is our lab, Cooper, with a toilet seat around his neck. He was supposed to be upstairs taking a nap with Creighton. I heard Creighton yelling "Cooper's stuck, Cooper's stuck!" and when I went upstairs, I found Cooper with his head in the toilet drinking water. When I said "Cooper!" he tried to pull his head out, but because he has a big head and this is just a little kids training seat, he pulled the whole thing off and this was the end result. :)

Cheyenne and Cort had their well baby Check-ups a couple weeks ago. Cheyenne is 25 inches long and 15 lbs. This puts her right in the 50th percentile.

Cort was 32 inches tall and 23lbs. He is in the 76th percentile for height and 10th for weight. Tall and thin.

I am running out of time now, but will update more in a few days!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Okay, I know I make a lot of posts about Cheyenne and the other kids seem like they are being neglected. The truth is, Kiley is gone so much with friends, Creighton is outside all day, Cort won't hold still, and the only one that will cooperate and let me take pictures is Cheyenne.

Kiley is in her third week of dance and loving it. She takes ballet, hip hop, jazz, and tap. Her recital isn't until the spring, so they are just practicing technique for now, but will learn dances soon. She is doing great in school and loves her teacher. She is very popular and we have found that there is always an invite to a b-day or sleep over and we have to balance out her friend time with family time. So far, it's been working well.

Creighton is so funny. He is almost officially done with naps now, but takes a "rest" midday and goes to bed at 6:30pm. He still spends his day working outside. His newest thing is to make a hat out of anything. Today, I saw him wearing the dog's water bowl around as a hard hat. Silly kid.

Cort is entering the terrible two's and, oh my gosh, had he hit this stage a year ago, there would be no Cheyenne. :) It's funny how God makes them sweet until you decide to have one more and then they do a 180 on you. He is still the sweetest little boy, just soooo into everything!!

Speaking of sweet, Cheyenne! The sweetest baby on earth. Sometimes I feel like I just can't get enough of her. She is so great. Still consistently sleeping through the night, about 7:30pm-7am. Mommy and daddy get plenty of time to relax in the evenings, except that time is now spent with me at the gym and Chad working on the basement. Well, I finally found 5 min. to update this, but now it's time to get dinner served and head to Zumba!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Just a quick picture of Cheyenne

Cheyenne is going to be a fairy for Halloween this year and here are a couple adorable pictures of her in her costume.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The sweetest baby girl is 3 months old!

Our adorable Cheyenne is 3 months old! Well, tomorrow she will be. I simply cannot praise her enough for being such a great baby. She has been sleeping through the night since 2 months old. She rarely fusses. She coos, laughs, and smiles all the time. She is such a joy to have and certainly makes the idea of a 5th child sound not so bad. It's the pregnancy that is keeping me from having another one. I would take a million kids if I didn't have to be pregnant. We shall see. I am for sure done for at least a few years. At 3 months, Cheyenne is: rolling over (since 11 weeks), picking her head up to look around, smiling and clearly recognizing faces and voices. She loves to kick around on the floor, cuddle on the couch with me or Kiley, and be talked to. You can have quite the conversation with her. She looks almost identical to my baby pics, except that I had dark hair, dark eyes, and darker skin and she is fair skinned, blue eyed, and her hair is going blond. However, despite all of that, she still looks a lot like me. Yay!! Finally!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Summer Wrap up, part 1....

Since I am not the best at aligning photos with captions, I am doing one post for the update and one for pics.

Summer went by fast. Probably much faster than usual because of baby Cheyenne entering our family. It was a great summer though, but I am anxious to get into fall-schools back in session, beautiful colors and amazing weather. Here is a quick update on everyone and how their summer went:

Chad: Chad didn't really get much of a summer break. His work stayed busy until the day Cheyenne was born, which also happened to be the deadline for his VA project. Since then, it's been steady, but not too busy and he was able to get a ton done on the basement. I think we will be ready to call for an inspection next week. It is still so impressive to me that he was able to design, frame, and complete the electrical, mechanical, and plumbing on his own. I am excited for the next stage because some of the design elements and architectural details will be done once the drywall is hung. There's an archway, some recessed areas in the columns that will fit a vase, lamp, or pictures, there is a tray ceiling with rope lighting in the living area. I am so excited to see it all come together and decorate!!!

Kindra: My summer has been spent caring for my children and recovering from having Cheyenne. She has been an easy baby though, so I can't do too much complaining. She started to sleep through the night at around 6 weeks and can go about 10 hours right now. I didn't have an overly exciting summer, but it was such a blessing to have Cheyenne 1 day after school let out and have the whole summer break to lounge around with the kids. I am glad that school is back in session though. I really prefer a scheduled day. I keep meaning to set my alarm for 6am to get up and work out in the morning, but so far, I have hit snooze each time and missed my window of opportunity. Maybe tomorrow......

Kiley: Kiley spent her summer playing outside with her friends-riding bikes, swimming, taking walks, and just hanging out on the curb with her girlfriends. I am so glad she is able to play outside with friends so much. Those memories will be some of her fondest. She took a trip to Omaha and seemed to have a good time. Once she got back, we had to get her ready to head back to school. I heard on the news that the typical family spends $600 to get their kidS back to school items-school supplies and clothes. That's for a family, we spent that on just Kiley!!! What are we going to do when the rest go to school.....I am pretty certain that she has nearly every item in the Justice store and am absolutely certain that I hate the Justice store!! Last weekend, I took her there to get one pair of jeans, 2 shirts, a backpack and water bottle and it came to $175!!! I had some coupons for $50 off, but still-they are much too expensive. Fortunately for Kiley, she has two grandma's who love to take her shopping! She is definitely the most stylish one in her class this year and those clothes will be boxed up and handed down to Cheyenne-I don't care if they are still in style or not. :) Kiley starts dance on Sept. 3. She is taking advanced child's ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop. It will keep us busy. I have been pushing her to take dance for years. I finally made her take a month long introduction course just to see if she liked it and she loved it!! Her life is all about dance now and some of her close friends go to the same dance studio. It did cost quiet a bit of money to buy ballet shoes, tap shoes, jazz shoes, leotards, hip hop gear, and the monthly cost of the classes, but again these will be some of her best memories as a kid and hopefully she can continue it in high school and even college.

Creighton: Well, Creighton has had a summer busy with "work". He is still waking up early, putting on jeans, boots, a t-shirt and a hat. He grabs a quick breakfast and heads outside where he spends most of his day building things. He is either going to be an engineer, architect, or construction worker. His mind is so organized, much like mine. He is one of the smartest kids I have ever met. He is talking tons and we are making progress with potty training. He is so stinking cute.

Cort: Sweet baby Cort. He spent most of his summer just trying to stay alive. He is the younger brother, so he gets bullied some. About 50% of the time, the boys play great together and that seems to be increasing in frequency as they both get older. Cort is cutting his 2 year molars right now and is pretty miserable. He loves to go outside, but is still a bit small for our play equipment. He has the best little personality. He is reserved and more quiet than the others, but such a free spirit. He is definitely a mama's boy and I hope it will stay that way.

Cheyenne: Cheyenne rolled over on Tuesday!! At 11 weeks. She rolls to the left, back to front. She doesn't quiet know what to do with herself once she gets on her tummy though. Sometimes, she cries, other times she just squirms around trying to get her arms out, and often she just gives up and goes to sleep! She is quite possibly the best baby!! She sleeps about 10 hours at night, rarely cries, and has such a sweet disposition. She coos and smiles a ton and lights up when Kiley comes around her. We have been so blessed with healthy, beautiful, laid-back kids that love to sleep!!!

This year has flown by, but been a great year. Next on the agenda is losing all this darn baby weight. I would love to get back down to my pre-wedding weight. I was 117 lbs and a size 2 at our wedding. However, I have 4 children now and am nearly 30 years old so I would love to keep some curves and get to a size 4-6. We have a romantic trip planned for our 5 year anniversary in 9 months. I am just going to stick to a healthy diet and exercise program. I don't want to lose to much too fast because I mostly want to tone up and get more muscle, so I have to do it the right way. Slow and steady! For every 5 lbs I lose, I can go buy myself a gift. First gift is a pair of earrings. The big gift at 25 lbs is a makeover! New makeup, new hair cut and color, and some new clothes. Hopefully, I can lose most of it by Christmas so I can feel good in our Christmas photos! Fingers crossed!!!

Summer wrap up....

We have been spending a significant amount of time in the hot tub this summer. It's cool in the evening and so relaxing to go hang out and talk after the kids are in bed. The problem we have is that both boys want to clean it and fight like crazy over the tools to clean it. So, here we begin with always having two of everything....Baby Cort taking his turn to clean it.

Girls on the water slides.

Creighton and Cort

Baby Cort. He spent much of the time finding things and eating them...and it's a wonder why he ended up sick a couple days later. :)

Creighton spent his time swimming around like this pretending to be a shark....yep, he got in a lot of shark week this year.

Baby Cheyenne sunbathing. She looks chunky, but she's not. She's so petite, but this picture might suggest the opposite.

The boys playing at the fountain at the mall. We took Cheyenne to get her ears pierced, but I thought they would have fun in this too. We just swung by Children's Place on our way out to pick up some new, dry shorts.

Grandma got the kids "Pacimals" and they LOVE them. These will definitely be my go to gift for baby showers from now on. They are so cute. Cheyenne has a bunny, lamp, and doll. Cort has a frog and monkey.

Cheyenne at 2 1/2 months. I am biased, but I think she is so pretty.

Kiley's first day of school. I like how the picture of her at 2 years old is above her. Time flies....

Cheyenne officially rolled over on Aug. 23rd at exactly 11 weeks. She started here

and ended up here..... She still can't get her arms out from under her so she just squirms around until I come get her.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cheyenne is 2 months!!!

I can't believe that the time has gone by so fast and Cheyenne is now 2 months. It really seems like yesterday when I had her. It's been a wonderful 2 months though. Above is a picture of Cheyenne's little knitted booties that one of my sister's made for her. I love little baby feet! Cheyenne is a great baby. About as good as they come, I think. She is so content and laid back. She only fusses if she is really hungry. She is smiling and cooing and seems to recognize both my voice and face. She gets very excited when she sees me walking over to her and gives me a big smile, kicks her feet, and makes noise. I love it!!

Cheyenne's 2 month baby stats:

Height: 22 inches long****10%-25%

Weight: 9lbs 3 oz. **** 5%-10%

Eyes: Blue, sometimes blue green...I wonder how much of this has to do with what she is wearing.

Hair: Light brown/dark blond. It will most likely come in blond. I can already see a lot of blond strands.

Sleeping: Great! 4 hours at a time at night. She wakes to eat, get changed, and is back asleep in about 15 min. I am easily getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night.

Eating: Every 4 hours. We are introducing rice cereal to her to help her put on some weight. She is petite, and Kiley was too, so I am not concerned. I think she looks a like a little chubs until I see her next to her friend, Eden who is our church Pastor's little girl and is 2 weeks younger than Cheyenne, but about 2X as big!

Who she looks like: Not me!!! We recently were organizing pictures into folders on our computer and noticed that in several pics of Creighton, they are almost splitting images of each other. I'll do a post with side by sides of them. They really do look almost identical! I always said Creighton would make a beautiful girl. :) All 4 of the kids do have one of my features with is tiny dimples above their upper lip when they smile. I have that and they all do to and it's nice to see some of me in them. I also think Kiley and Cheyenne have my eye shape and all 4 of them have my long eye lashes. So, they did get some good traits of mine, but my genetically dominant dark, curly hair and dark eyes did not make the cut. O'well. They are all beautiful kids and are healthy, smart, active, and have such different personalities. Life with 4 is wonderful and to Chad that means that a 5th can only make it even better. I am good with 4!!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What has the third blond haired, blue eyed babe been up to lately...?

Baby Cort (aka the "third blond haired, blue eyed babe") is 21 months now and seeming much more like a 2 year old now than a 1 year old. (tears....) I loved that he stayed in the baby phase longer than Creighton did. I am so used to calling him "baby Cort" that I think that has become his unofficial name. Everyone calls him baby Cort, even the people at, it seems the name shall stick. Baby Cort is now a toddler though and he keeps me busy getting him snacks, cleaning up his mess, chasing him around, telling him "no"...lots of "no" can be heard around here. :) He sneaks past the baby gate (which is attached to the staircase and opens and closes like a door) by simply by-passing it all together and slipping his thin, little self through the railing posts and going upstairs to open every drawer, closet, and cabinet he can before I get to him. He climbs on our outside play set, which terrifies me because it is so big and he is so little, but he hasn't fallen yet. He loves to color, but seems to always venture from his paper to the walls, fridge, floor, doors, and anything else in his sight. Thank you Magic Eraser!!! My house still stays clean, but I think I spend much of their nap time un-doing what they have done. O'well, kids will be kids and I want for them to explore, be inquisitive, experiment, and learn. The perfect balance, I have found, is to enjoy them and let them play and make a mess when they are awake and then clean it when they nap and God has blessed me with great sleepers. I am looking forward to Cort getting older and, even though I am sad to see his baby stage end, I am happy to have another toddler.

I am really enjoying Creighton, except when nap time is approaching or has been missed. He is so funny, talks like a small adult, and is SOOO loving. Oh my gosh, he is so loving-not all the time to Baby Cort, but I am convinced he thinks that he and I are married. He is always coming up behind me and hugging me and kissing me, saying "I love you". He holds my hand when we watch a movie. He is very, very protective of me and won't let me do a lot of things because he says they are too dangerous for me. He spends his days mowing the lawn (with his mower, of course) weed whacking, leaf blowing, shoveling dirt into a wheel barrow and moving it to it's new destination. His papa said that he will be the only 21 year old ready to retire because he gets up and "goes to work" everyday right now and in 20 years, he'll be too tired to get off my sofa. He is funny about his work though and he has a better work ethic than most adults do. He gets up around 6am every morning, comes out of his room fully dressed in a baseball cap, a t-shirt, jeans, and his boots. He eats a quick breakfast and then moves onto the first task of the day. He put me into time-out the other day (because he mimiks EVERYTHING we do!). I obeyed because I didn't want for him to think that it's okay to say "no" when you are told to take a time-out and, let's be honest, I don't mind sitting in a quiet corner for 3 minutes. He paced back and forth in front of me while I sat in the time-out corner. Every few paces, he would look at me and smile. When the timer dinged, he came to me and said I could get out if I said I was sorry-so I did. He then asked me to hug him and said "I love you, don't do that again"-referring to what had gotten me in time-out originally. I just love that I can stay at home and enjoy the kids so much.

The kids are all at great ages right now and I feel like life with 4 is pretty easy...not easy enough to add a 5th though! Kiley is almost 10 and very independent. She spends her days outside playing with her friends. Creighton is very independent too and spends his time "working", coloring, painting, and hoarding items under my dining room table. Cort is so sweet. He loves to play outside, read, watch movies, color-on everything, and nap. He still does two long naps during the day. Cheyenne is the easiest baby ever!!! Around 5 weeks, I was finally able to switch her schedule and she is now sleeping 4 hours at a time and has a pretty set schedule of: going to bed at 10pm, eating at 2am and going right back to sleep, eating at 6am and staying awake until around noon and then sleeping most of the day (waking to eat every few hours), waking up for about an hour or two around 7pm and then back to sleep around 8pm or 9pm. She's great. Life is pretty easy with an infant who lets you get 8 hours of accumulated sleep at night. Don't be jealous though, it took about 5 weeks of being up most of the night to get her on the right schedule. She only cries if she is starving. I can go a couple days not hearing her cry at all. I feel so blessed to have 4 healthy, beautiful, easy-going kids. If I didn't have to get pregnant to have another baby, I'd take a 5th or 6th, but the idea of being pregnant again makes me sick to my stomach. Chad's already started to try to convince me....we shall see...but, I think 4 is good.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Checking in....

It's been a busy, busy summer! Here is a quick update on everyone. Cheyenne is a little over a month old now. She just began to finally get her days and nights switched back to normal and I am getting an accumulated 7-8 hours of sleep a night. At least, that is how this past week has gone. The first month was hard! She would be up from about midnight to 6am and then when she fell asleep, the boys woke up. It's impossible to take a nap with little ones and a house to maintain. Finally, I think we have everyone on a schedule that ensures I get enough rest (I actually am good with 5-6 hours a night, but I'll take anything more I can get!) and have enough time mid-day that they are all napping and I can get some stuff done around here. Cheyenne is sooooo cute and soooo sweet. I still can't believe how blessed we are to have 4 healthy, beautiful kids...and 2 of each gender!!! Cheyenne looks a lot like me....yay!!! Finally, a baby that looks like they belong to me :) She does have light hair and blue eyes, but her features are all mine. Creighton is so cute and loving, but as 3 1/2 approaches, we are getting more defiance from him. He did seamlessly transition into his twin bed and still goes to bed without a peep at 7pm. I don't mind the misbehavior that toddlerhood brings. In fact, I laugh about it daily and appreciate the randomness of a 3 year old and the challenges they bring. I know it won't last long and I will miss a lot of it, even the bad, when they are older. Cort is hysterical!!! He is so little, or seems so little. He is actually in the 90% for height, but only the 10% for weight, so maybe that is why he seems so tiny. He has hair now!!! About time! He is talking some and so, so, so sweet. One of the sweetest boys I have met. Kiley will be going into 4th grade this year! Wow, how time flies. She is going to be 10 in November. Geesh.....She is a really great young lady and such a great big sister to Creighton, Cort, and Cheyenne. Creighton is obsessed with Kiley and is constantly begging to sleep in her bed. She is like a second mother to them because of the age difference. I miss her being the cutest little 2 year old, but I really have enjoyed watching her grow up and mature. Chad's kept himself busy with the basement and work. Fortunately, his office has been pretty slow since June and he has had lots of time to be at home with me and the kids, which is invaluable since Cheyenne is so little and when his work is busy, he can put in 80 hour weeks for 3 months straight! It has also given him time to work on the basement. He started in late April and has moved pretty fast on it, considering he is doing it by himself! He framed the entire thing (an office, a bedroom, a living room, a play area, a bathroom, a storage room and a workout room-that is a lot of framing!) He did the electrical work a couple weeks ago and finished up the plumbing this past weekend. Next weekend, he is going to do the mechanical and then I think we will be close to ready for our first inspection. Everyone is doing great and we are all adjusting well to being a family of 6...although, I haven't yet mastered running errands with the three little ones yet. :)

Cheyenne Isabella 5.5 weeks old.

Baby Cort, 21 months....I know he isn't a baby anymore, but I will still call him baby Cort when he is 16.

Creighton. He is 3....that is my explanation for the outside toys inside the house, shoes on the wrong feet, the outfit, and I am sure he doesn't have underwear on under his shorts.....;)

Waiting for daddy to come of the kids favorite things to do in the evening.

Cheyenne 3 weeks old.

Creighton and Cooper.......if it were up to me, we would have no animals, but the kids love them. They are napping on the patio with deflated swimming pools as blankets.

Creighton in a serious moment.