Baby Cort (aka the "third blond haired, blue eyed babe") is 21 months now and seeming much more like a 2 year old now than a 1 year old. (tears....) I loved that he stayed in the baby phase longer than Creighton did. I am so used to calling him "baby Cort" that I think that has become his unofficial name. Everyone calls him baby Cort, even the people at, it seems the name shall stick. Baby Cort is now a toddler though and he keeps me busy getting him snacks, cleaning up his mess, chasing him around, telling him "no"...lots of "no" can be heard around here. :) He sneaks past the baby gate (which is attached to the staircase and opens and closes like a door) by simply by-passing it all together and slipping his thin, little self through the railing posts and going upstairs to open every drawer, closet, and cabinet he can before I get to him. He climbs on our outside play set, which terrifies me because it is so big and he is so little, but he hasn't fallen yet. He loves to color, but seems to always venture from his paper to the walls, fridge, floor, doors, and anything else in his sight. Thank you Magic Eraser!!! My house still stays clean, but I think I spend much of their nap time un-doing what they have done. O'well, kids will be kids and I want for them to explore, be inquisitive, experiment, and learn. The perfect balance, I have found, is to enjoy them and let them play and make a mess when they are awake and then clean it when they nap and God has blessed me with great sleepers. I am looking forward to Cort getting older and, even though I am sad to see his baby stage end, I am happy to have another toddler.
I am really enjoying Creighton, except when nap time is approaching or has been missed. He is so funny, talks like a small adult, and is SOOO loving. Oh my gosh, he is so loving-not all the time to Baby Cort, but I am convinced he thinks that he and I are married. He is always coming up behind me and hugging me and kissing me, saying "I love you". He holds my hand when we watch a movie. He is very, very protective of me and won't let me do a lot of things because he says they are too dangerous for me. He spends his days mowing the lawn (with his mower, of course) weed whacking, leaf blowing, shoveling dirt into a wheel barrow and moving it to it's new destination. His papa said that he will be the only 21 year old ready to retire because he gets up and "goes to work" everyday right now and in 20 years, he'll be too tired to get off my sofa. He is funny about his work though and he has a better work ethic than most adults do. He gets up around 6am every morning, comes out of his room fully dressed in a baseball cap, a t-shirt, jeans, and his boots. He eats a quick breakfast and then moves onto the first task of the day. He put me into time-out the other day (because he mimiks EVERYTHING we do!). I obeyed because I didn't want for him to think that it's okay to say "no" when you are told to take a time-out and, let's be honest, I don't mind sitting in a quiet corner for 3 minutes. He paced back and forth in front of me while I sat in the time-out corner. Every few paces, he would look at me and smile. When the timer dinged, he came to me and said I could get out if I said I was sorry-so I did. He then asked me to hug him and said "I love you, don't do that again"-referring to what had gotten me in time-out originally. I just love that I can stay at home and enjoy the kids so much.
The kids are all at great ages right now and I feel like life with 4 is pretty easy...not easy enough to add a 5th though! Kiley is almost 10 and very independent. She spends her days outside playing with her friends. Creighton is very independent too and spends his time "working", coloring, painting, and hoarding items under my dining room table. Cort is so sweet. He loves to play outside, read, watch movies, color-on everything, and nap. He still does two long naps during the day. Cheyenne is the easiest baby ever!!! Around 5 weeks, I was finally able to switch her schedule and she is now sleeping 4 hours at a time and has a pretty set schedule of: going to bed at 10pm, eating at 2am and going right back to sleep, eating at 6am and staying awake until around noon and then sleeping most of the day (waking to eat every few hours), waking up for about an hour or two around 7pm and then back to sleep around 8pm or 9pm. She's great. Life is pretty easy with an infant who lets you get 8 hours of accumulated sleep at night. Don't be jealous though, it took about 5 weeks of being up most of the night to get her on the right schedule. She only cries if she is starving. I can go a couple days not hearing her cry at all. I feel so blessed to have 4 healthy, beautiful, easy-going kids. If I didn't have to get pregnant to have another baby, I'd take a 5th or 6th, but the idea of being pregnant again makes me sick to my stomach. Chad's already started to try to convince me....we shall see...but, I think 4 is good.