Friday, May 1, 2009

It always pays to marry the smart ones

Chad is in California for an architecture convention. I usually go because we use that as our annual vacation for just the two of us. I didn't go this year because we knew I would probably be pregnant and I anticipated being sick, like I was with the other two. Turns out, this is a great pregnancy. So, Chad went by himself and is pretty bored without me. He spends about 10 hours a day at the convention. To kill some time he played a trivia game and won. At the end of the day, the three highest scorers (out of hundreds) had to participate in a "winner takes all" challenge. Chad won, he's so smart, and he is bringing home a Wii and Wii fit. Kiley is very excited.

1 comment:

  1. Good for Chad! You'll love Wii Fit (I think). All of your decorating ideas look great too! Maybe once you finish your house you can do ours too...
